Monday, May 24, 2010


Salam...kepada ni dalam process upgrade..maklumlah budak baru belajar...cuti sem nie belajar blog je laa da keje xde (rase2 jela)...apa-apa pum kalau korang ade idea ke lah r sumbang2kan kat ak di sini...>>>>

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ape yang dah jadi dengan negara kita nie...??? Judi halal?

Salam...di sini cuba kita sama-sama fikirkan dan konklusikan apakah judi itu sudah halal atau sememangnya haram...pelikkan kenyataan ak just petik dari kata-kata orang jew..ak petik lagi dari kolum Dr Asri kat Malaysiakini mengenai judi ni yang bertajuk : 'M'sia bukan masyarakat judi'

Kenyataan Timbalan Menteri Kewangan Datuk Awang Adek Hussein bahawa kerajaan pusat mempertimbangkan untuk mengeluarkan lesen judi sempena Piala Dunia 2010 demi mengelakkan berleluasa kegiatan judi haram adalah satu kenyataan yang memalukan dan amat menyalahi cara fikir yang lurus.Saya ingin tegaskan hal ini berasaskan perkara berikut:

1. Dari segi Islam adalah menjadi asas bahawa 'tindakan pemerintah terikat dengan maslahah'. Maslahah dalam konteks ini adalah kepentingan atau kebaikan rakyat dan negara itu sendiri.Ini seperti juga yang disebut oleh al-Imam al-Syafi'i r.h: “Kedudukan pemerintah di sisi rakyat bagaikan kedudukan penjaga anak yatim” (lihat: Al-Sayuti, al-Asybah wa al-Nazair).Apakah memberikan lesen judi itu memberikan kebaikan atau mempunyai kepentingan umum rakyat? Atau ia hanya kepentingan segelintir taukeh dan kaki judi semata?Jika ia tidak memulangkan kepentingan umum atau kebaikan kepada rakyat maka itu bukan tindakan pemerintah yang bertanggungjawab.

2. Tidak dinafikan judi dan arak memang mempunyai keuntungan dan beberapa manfaat untuk pihak-pihak tertentu.Namun, ancaman dan bahayanya jauh lebih besar dibandingkan manfaat yang bakal diterima.Al-Quran menyebut: (maksud) “Mereka bertanya engkau (wahai Muhammad) tentang arak dan judi. Katakanlah: “Pada keduanya ada dosa (keburukan) yang besar dan manfaat kepada manusia.Namun dosa (keburukan) keduanya lebih besar dari manfaatnya” (Surah al-Baqarah ayat 219).Maka dengan itu, sekadar untuk digunakan cukai judi berkenaan untuk kegiatan sukan bukan satu alasan. Kerosakan judi lebih besar dari manfaat yang akan diterima.Membiayaan untuk membaikinya nanti jauh lebih tinggi.

3. Judi sama ada 'dilesenkan' atau tidak dilesen keburukannya sentiasa dominan.Ia menyebabkan pembaziran tanpa sebab, sikap bergantung nasib tanpa kewarasan, merosakkan keluarga, menimbulkan tabiat suka berhutang, membawa kepada kejatuhan ekonomi individu secara mengejut, ketagihan tabiat buruk tersebut yang luar biasa dan berbagai lagi keburukan yang lain.Akal waras manusia dari semua aliran agama dan masyarakat, bahkan yang tidak beragama pun tetap menyatakan judi selalu merosakkan masyarakat.

4. Jika pun judi itu untuk masyarakat bukan Islam, saya tetap katakan masyarakat Malaysia bukan masyarakat judi."Tiada ajaran mana-mana agama yang menggalakkan judi. Tiada siapa pun dalam mana-mana bangsa atau agama dalam negara ini sanggup untuk mendakwa 'judi adalah budaya kami', atau 'kebanggaan hidup kami'.Jika ada, itu terkeluar dari norma kewarasan. Tiada isteri yang normal sukakan suaminya kaki judi.Maka, jangan kaitkan atau hidupkan budaya ini secara terbuka dalam masyarakat kita. Kaki judi sentiasa dipandang negatif dalam semua masyarakat yang rasional.

5. Judi akan menggalakkan tabiat berhutang dan pergaduhan. Sama ada diberi lesen atau tidak, tetap sama.Hutang along atau hutang bank, tetap bebanan hutang.Jika diberi lesen terbuka, yang tertutup tetap berjalan seperti biasa. Itu bukan alasan yang munasabah.

6. Peranan pemerintah adalah mencegah keburukan, bukan menaja atau bersaing dengan penjenayah. Cadangan tersebut hanya mengubah 'tauke' sahaja dari yang berlesen kepada yang tidak berlesen.Apakah nanti mungkin kita akan wujudkan tempat 'hisap candu berlesen' untuk mengelakkan penagih candu menghisapnya di tempat yang tidak berlesen?Jangan fikir lesen dan cukai keuntungan sahaja, kerajaan hendaklah berfikir kesan yang akan menimpa rakyat nanti!

Maka, saya sekali lagi membantah cadangan ini dan meminta semua rakyat Malaysia yang waras dan mempunyai nilai-nilai agama dan moral membantah cadangan ini!

So ape korang fikir??

Monday, May 17, 2010

Seminggu di Pulau Redang

Salam...selamat bercuti semua...haa ni die gambar perjalanan dari Jeti Merang nak ke Pulau Redang pada pagi Isnin 16 May 2010...ceh muke-muke leh tahan r semua tak terbakar lagi. Tersebutlah kisah kehidupan di Pulau Redang selama seminggu dengan menetapnya dirumah keluarga angkat si ayahya bernama MOHD ZAWAWI WAHAB dan si emak angkatnya bernama SITI AISHAH A. GHANI...wahh asal je sebut nama mereka mesti teringat giler-giler. Kenapa tidaknya? mereka layan ak dan abang angkat ak ZUL(CITY CAMPUS) melebihi layan anak sendiri. Maaflaa tak dapat nk upload gambar depa(mak n ayah angkat) lagi sebab gambar tak habis ag transfer.
Hari pertama banyaklah punye segannya..apataknya tinggal nga keluarga angkat dieorang ada anak 2 orang jer...2-2 lelaki sorang darjah 1 sorang lagi masih kecik tapi lincah laa jugak haha.

Haa ni pulak gambar kiteorang yang duduk berderet 3 buah rumah kiri kanan..orang len xtau laa. Gambar nie kiteorang amek masa kitaorang pi Marine Park petang hari pertama tu..mula-mula xpaham ape dieorang(keluarga angkat) cakap, dup tanye-tanye nk g x Meripat?????? Fuhh ape ntah so kiteorang just say ya jer ikut laa mane-mane pom..hahaha lawak jugak orang timur pom xpaham dialek antara mereka sendiri. Dekat Marine Park nie best nak kesana kene naik bot, so kiteorang naiklaa bot kepunyaan keluarga angkat si Syam nie(yg pakai baju pink tue) aishhhh penat jugak nak citer semua pe yang pasti kat sini kiter Orang dapt menyelam dan tengok kehidupan dalam air macam2 ikan ade, jumpe dan pegang ibu gamat, batu karang dan banyak lagi laa.

Nak citer panjang lagi tapi panjang sangat...xpe2 t citer ag one by one...huhu

Tengok anak penyu

Haa ni pulak gambar kiteorang mase ODW nk gi pantai dekat Berjaya Resort..bab-bab amek gambar memang laju semua..

Dan ini dia bergambar dekat pantai tue...mase nie before men bola tampar kat tepi pantai...ade yang dah terjun pantai mase tue..

Ade banyak lagi gambar-gambar yang terupload kat sini..pengalaman xdapat di lupakan jugak dapat tengok baby shark nga mata sendiri masa menyelam dekat long beach, tengok kapal karam dekat Marine Park..berenang sambil menyelam...menjadi fasi dekat Sek Keb Pulau Redang..adik-adik semua dengar kata petang tue sukaneka dengan dieorang men game baling belon air...benda yang paling tak di jangkakan..habis jer acara tue dieorang semua kebelakang, ingatkan nak wat pe rupa-rupanya dieorang amek belon tue nk baling kat kiteorang...habis satu sekolah kami bertempiaran hahaha memang tak dapat di lupakan dieorang semua memang sporting termasuklah mak n ayah angkat jugak. Malam kebudayaan dan BBQ lagi lah gempak..memang di katakan agak sportinglah..adik-adik semua siap buat breakdance ag,,,ak nk wat jugak tp tak leh kaki sakit haha...banyak sangat kenangan dekat Pulau Redang..memang berbaloi lah pegi sane...

Semoga suatu hari nanti ak akan sampai lagi ke sana..Insyaallah...wassalam

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Salam and perubahan

Salamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada pengunjung dan pembaca, emm sekarang blog nie da bertukar. Itu hari jadi blog ni sebagai assignment kite orang bagi subjek Technical Communication sem2 so now da abes da so jadi laa blog biasa-biasa. Sekarang nie walaupun tengah final exam pum masih busy dengan wat mini-project CPP..4jam credit wooo. Final exam pum seb baek laa selang satu hari next week insyallah hari selasa abeslaa final exam nie, tapi apa-apa pun gud luck juga kepada kekawan yang masih final exam dan yang da abes. Gud luck dan wassalam._kazen

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Come take five with us...!!

Haha theres just two different of summary on a Technical Communication one of the subject this semester. Come on take it easy by reading it..!!

Summary one:-

Udell is an experienced pilot who survived ejecting from a jet faster than Mach 1. On April 18, 1995, he was flying Sword 93 off the coast of North Carolina. He senses something wasn't right and then in just a second, he had lost 2000 metres of altitude from 5000 metres. He realized that it was too late to save plane and then he pressed his head back and tucked his elbows in. At 450 metres, he pulled the ejection handles to get out. As the seat had slowed down, a mortar cartridge fired, deploying the main parachute and a harness release cartridge fired, make the seat tumbling away. Lastly he drifted down to the sea with his survival kit. Then, he tried to move his left arm, but it wouldn't sway. The last lifesaving cartridges fired automatically to release the battered Udell from the engtangling and potentially lethal lines of his parachute. Military training had carried him this far, but now he put his fate in the hands of God. Finally, a Coast Guard helicopter plucked him from the Atlantic and ferried him to hospital.

Now playing: Céline Dion - My Heart Will Go On
via FoxyTunes How about this one by En Azmi (Lecturer):-

Udell is an experinced pilot in the Air Force who had survived in ejecting at sea level from a jet going faster than Mach 1. In just a few second, he had lost 2000 metres of altitude and realized it was too late to save the plane. He pressed his head back, tucked his elbows in and go out at 450 metres after he pulled the ejection handles. When he was in the oven air, a pair of cartridges in the base of seat fired, setting a gyroscope spinning to prevent him fromm pitching violently forwar or backward. The mortar cartridge fired for the main parachute while the harness release cartridge was sending the seat tumbling away before the parachute opened. While he was floating, he thought of the post ejection cheklist and tried to move his left arm but he could not untill he hit the water an electronic sensor fired a charge to inflate the life raft. The last lifesaving cartrudges fire automatically to release him from the engtangling and lethal lines of the parachute. The military training really made him survived from drowning in the rough freezing sea, hypothermia and also shark's attactk. While he was surviving, he kept on thinking about his life and his pregnant wife. He was rescued safely after four hour by a Coast Guard helicopter ans after five months, his wife delivered a baby called Morgan Daniel.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

How I Spend My Semester Break....

During my semester break, I and my friends spent our valuable time to visit Pulau Redang which is situated in Terengganu. My first impression before went to this island is thinking of boring island with the kampong people around the island. One of my friend said that, the Redang Island is the most beautiful island in Malaysia, but I thought the Sipadan Island is better. Then we confirmed to go to that island. When we arrive at the island we were welcoming by my cousin there. Later we are check in at the coral beach resort which is situated near the island. By the first day I and my friend spent the whole day by sleep for the whole day after the tiring journeys. Early the morning I with my friend had a great breakfast and spent for about an hour by explore the whole of the island. I am amazed by the sparkling sand and the crystal clear of the sea water. Later we go to the snorkeling lesson by the professional diver. From the island we are taking off for about a few kilometers to the open sea. Then were attiring the swimming suit and ready for a snorkeling lesson. I had great experience watching the magnificent coral and sea creature that I cannot find at my place. This marine wildlife was protected by government. After finish the lesson we are check in back in the resort. At night we had a barbeque party with all my friends. There a lots of excellent food being served to us. At that night we had stomach full and there are some activities organized by resort. I deep in my heart I feel this the best holiday that I ever had and I feel living in the paradise island. On the next day, were returning to our home. All my friends enjoys with the holiday they had. I think you should come to visit this island.


As we know, English is the international language that always used as the ‘Lingua franca’ all around the world. English is widely used in business, tourism, education, management, hospitality, military, services and others. My beloved friends, it is important for us to improve our English to ensure that we can survive in global world today which needs for English.
There are many ways for us to improve our English. Firstly, it is very important for us to focus in class in every minute, in every second. Look for your teacher when they teach you either he or she has a nice face or not. Besides that, by doing many exercises either given by teacher or by your own, it will increase your understanding. Then, if you not understand about English quickly ask your teacher to get his or her guidance. The other way that you can improve the English is by watching movies and listening to English songs. This is a fun way of learning which will improve language in relaxing condition and simple method. Like people said, practice makes perfect. So, by keep practicing, it will enhance your English skill. Don’t be afraid and shy. Just speak English with your family, friend and all people around you.
So, we hope that you out there can try our advice to improve your English skills. So, see you again in the next post….smile always…(‘ ‘,) Tata titi tutu….

Monday, February 1, 2010

New Year's Resolution

New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back the past on what we have done yet and mostly important to think about what we will plan for the coming year. It's can be a time for us to reflect on the change we want to do or plan and resolve to follow through on those changes. Even as the student we wish to spend more time with family and also friends.
Spending time with them during weekend make our life become long because we live with the ones that we loved. Make plans to meet up with friends to know how they are right now and to foster the relationship. Besides that, we should wish to fit in fitness by doing regular exercise such as jogging and vice versa. We should know that, regular exercise has been associated with more benefits than anything else to know man. Studies show that it reduces the risk of some cancers, increases longevity; helps achieve and maintain weight loss, enhances mood, lower blood pressure and even improves arthritis.
These mean that exercise keeps our healthy and makes us look and feel better, so should start it today! Then, for those who are smoker this year they should make it stop. If we have resolved to make this year that we stamp out our smoking habits, over-the-counter availability of nicotine replacement therapy now provides easier access to proven quit-smoking aids. Even we have tried to quit before and failed, don't let it get you down. On average, smokers try about four times before they quit for good. Come on start enjoying the rest of your SMOKE-FREE LIFE!! One more important thing that is enjoys life more. Given the hectic, stressful lifestyles of millions as the student, it is no wonder that "enjoying life more".
It's an important step to a happier and healthier you and we should change our hobby; take up a new hobby to change some of your lifestyle. Other than that, we should learn something new to improve our knowledge level and mind level. How about you, have you all vowed to make this year to learn something new beside our study? Perhaps you wish to do that by considering a career change, learning a new language or just how to play games and chat? Doesn't matter g you wish to read a book, you will find education to be one of the easiest, most motivating New Year' resolution to keep, hopefully!
And lastly, we thought that the most important that to be a non-selfish New Year’s Resolution, volunteerism can takes many forms. Whether you choose to spend time to help your lecturer, parent, friends, makes a work there are many nonprofit volunteer organizations that could really use your help. The simplest one, you may donate the furniture, clothing and other household items (if any) that you no longer need, rather than leaving them out by curb to fill up our landfills.
Get try and good luck all!!
Life’s what you make it so go head and takes it right now

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Great Canoeing And Five Sunburn Men

Great trip this weekend...!! We were attending “The Canoeing Class” in Chin Chin, Jasin since 29 - 31 January. The programmed, which teach us how to drive and handle the canoe and survive, depend on the place where we were running of it. The conductor which known as Am, he was very sporting, knowledgeable and have experience in canoeing. At the first, we learned about “water confident” and survive in water. At night we learned about basic of canoe. On the second day, we were practicing the basic of canoeing, then at the evening we start our expedition through River Chin Chin until we arrived at the first checkpoint which start after Zohor and end at Maghrib. At night we slept with a lot of "friends" which is mosquito the big one that always sing nearer to our ears. Next morning, we're canoeing back to the Camp site against river current which take about 3 hours. It became a great experience among us because, we,which are roommate participate this programmed..!!

New Year Celebration

New Year Celebration is very popular among festival that all people are celebrating. New Year is a sign of beginning of the new era of the year. New Year celebration gives wonderful effect among people around the world. During the celebration all of the family members are spending their precious time by doing activities than can make the family relationship become closer by gathering while chatting among the family and waiting for the New Year countdown and watching wonderful firecrackers. New Year celebration was celebrated by ancient people around 2000 years ago. Nowadays, New Year Roman date was widely used all over the world. In Islam, people using Hijri calendar and it is an official calendar among Islamic country. The Hijri calendar is differ than Roman date calendar because, in Hijri date is changing every year according Islam calendar.

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